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Document Archives

The De Kalb Museum has hundreds of documents in the historical archive. Call 315-347-1900 or 315-347-2178 to make an appointment.


This document is a list of male residents of the Town of De Kalb between the ages of 18 and 45 made at the request of New York State at the outbreak of World War One. It was to determine who was eligible for the draft so it includes prior military service if any. The document includes the age date of birth and occupation of each person on the list.

The list is alphabetical so it is possible to manually scroll through the document to find particular individuals.


Click here to link to link to the full document. (102mg)

Link to A-G

Link to H-P

Link to R-Z

This document is a great starter to get students speculating on the circumstances of this gala event.


Old Methodist Meetinghouse Museum
696 East De Kalb Road

De Kalb Junction, NY 13630



Winner of the Bruce W. Dearstyne Annual NYS Archives Award for Excellence in the Educational Use of Local Government Records.

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Hours: Wednesdays 11:00 AM till 3:00 PM

Thursdays 4:00 PM to 7:00 PM (Winter)
Other times by appointment.


Phone us at 315-347-1900 or 315-347-2178
to make an appointment.


Visitors are always welcome!

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