Online Archives
The Historian's office has hundreds of scrapbooks, photo albums, and loose photographs in its historical archives. The photographs you see here online represent only a fraction of the number available in the Historian's Archives. Click the category and page through the photographs, maps, letters and documents that tell the story of De Kalb, New York.
In celebration of the 150th anniversary of the founding of De Kalb Junction, browse an album of the glass plate negatives from the Woodward Photo Studio at De Kalb Junction. The Historian has scanned the 116 negatives and made them into positive digital images. Most of the individuals in the photographs are unknown.
The Historian's office has transcribed a great number of original letters. These transcriptions are also available here online. Other documents can be browsed in the Document gallery. Recently, the Historian acquired scans of historic maps of De Kalb and surrounding area.